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Reasons to celebrate
2005-01-27 ~ 4:12 p.m.

UPDATED to add a link to the "F*** a duck" song

1) I got an email from Netflix letting me know that Coupling, Season 4 dics 1 AND 2 were on the way. Hooray!!

My friend T. (I'm not using her full name bcs she has a very unusual name and I don't want to get googled for it) introduced me to this show. A bunch of us got together at her house one night to watch movies. We weren't sure at the time which movie it would be. We all brought along our own personal choice and figured we could decide when we got there. Karen and I voted for Grease 2 (we LOVE that movie, even though it is, as we fairly recently came to realize, truly a bad, bad movie). One of us had the bright idea that we should all line up our DVD (or VHS) selections on one ride of T's kitchen floor and then SHOVE them across the floor and whoever went the furthest would be our movie selection for the night. Of course, Karen and I were going to put wheels on Grease 2 to ensure a victory.

Somehow, that plan got thrawted (I suspect Liz - she never liked that movie) and we ended up deciding on Coupling.

Oh my gosh! I think I laughed till I peed (but don't tell T - I blamed the wet spot on her cats ::snicker::) We watched the entire first season that night.

After that, I made it my mission to Netflix (have I mentioned how much I love Netflix) seasons 2 and 3, which I quickly devoured and I've been impatiently awaiting season 4 ever since.

Anyway, it was released on Tuesday and I should have it waiting for me tonight when I get home.


2) I managed to walk from my house to my car without getting snow in my shoes.

I hate shoes.'s not really the wearing of shoes I hate - I just hate BUYING shoes and do it as rarely as possible. This explains why I am still wearing the same pair of black sandals I bought almost two years ago.

Yes, black SANDALS.

In January.

In the snow.

Hence, the frequent snow in shoes.

Prior to the purchase of the black sandals, I wore a pair of black boots for about three years.

Even in the summer.

Even though the heel was barely hanging on to the sole.

Yes, I know. I think I need to surrender my membership in the girl club.

OOH!! But wait, I like lipstick. A LOT. So can I stay, huh, can I can I?

All I really need are two pairs of shoes. A pair of black shoes I can wear to work and a pair of tennis shoes for all the rest of the time. I once tried to get away with just one pair of shoes - I just wore black tennis shoes all the time - but for some reason Dave HATED black tennis shoes and insisted that I buy a pair of white shoes.

THAT was a fun shopping trip, believe me.

So yeah, when it snows, I have to tiptoe through the parking lot to get to my car without freezing my toes. Usually I am unsuccessful. Today, however, I made it.

Score one for toasty toes.

3) I ordered a replacement copy of Jesus Christ Superstar off eBay and it is on it's way to me.

I used to love this record when I was a kid. (Yes, I am old enough to remember records and even ::gasp:: eight track tapes). And every year, around Easter time, I would ask T (who was raised in a Protestant household) all sorts of questions that were raised by my repeated listenings.

I was brought up in a non-religious household. My mom's Catholic, my dad's Jewish and it caused a lot of conflict between the families about how they would raise the children. So they just threw their hands up and decided to raise us with no religious upbringing at all.

Was that the best decision? Dunno. I know there are people who were raised in a religious upbringing and felt they had no choice in the matter and turned away from God for that reason. In my case, I had to find Him on my own.

It's been a long journey (one I remember starting in August 1991 at my grandmother's house, thanks to a book called The MD, by Thomas M Disch - really made me think about the concepts of heaven and hell, which led me to really examining (and discovering) my beliefs and perceptions about all sorts of religious issues.)

I don't know if I'm "there" yet. I don't even know what "there" is. I do know that I had an experience right around New Year's Day last year which cleared up any doubts IN MY MIND as to the existence of God. (And I'm not going to go into it here cus really, the only thing more boring than a proselytizer is a girl who talks about socks and paperclips)

At some point, obviously, I retired my record album and got the Superstar CD. And now I can't find it so I ordered a new copy from eBay and I'm a-gonna get it soon.

(I still need to get a replacement copy of Chess and Les Mis and Blood Sugar Sex Magik and Pretty Hate Machine - four other CDs I can't live without - because they've been scratched beyond all recognition...but one thing at a time)

4) Thou shalt not count four

5) Five is right out.

I'm done.


before || after
Something random

Moved! - 2010-10-27
Savory Sour Cream and Chive Waffles - 2009-01-03
This kind of thing can only happen when you work virtually - 2008-10-19
It's 8am and I am awake....and writing - 2008-10-17
Ooh fancy! - 2008-10-15
