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Ghouls indeed
2005-08-29 ~ 5:09 p.m.

Disgusting. Just disgusting. I'm back to CNN and they're talking about how the Louisiana state Attorney General has stated that they will crack down on retailers engaging in price gouging the wake of Hurricane Katrina. The newscaster said that already there are ghouls taking advantage of their fellow man during this time of crisis.

Oh. My. God.

I was actually in a good mood this afternoon (as those who have been "lucky" enough to get rambling incoherent comments from me in the past hour can attest.) I left work after just half an hour. I felt simply awful, like I was walking through quicksand. I think part of it was because I had a hell of a time falling asleep last night but I think I might have some strange bug too. Yesterday Greg and I went to lunch with our parents and I noticed he was all spacy. I didn't know what was going on with him but I was very concerned. I actually thought he was on drugs.

But today, I was feeling like he looked. And according to Mom, Auntie De is spaced out too.

So I came home from work and rested for a while and then I made some caramel popcorn (four points) which I washed down with a Diet Coke and WOO! did that sugar/caffeine combination hit me hard.

So I turned the TV back on to play some more Gauntlet (Yes, I'm still totally in love with that game and I want to marry it and have its babies although I do look at other games every now and then but none of them satisfy me the way Gauntlet does with its hacking and slashing, I mean, I've looked at Grand Theft Auto but no too violent, and I've looked at Devil May Cry but no too boring, and I've looked at Baldur's Gate but no too primitive, and I WANT a new game baby, but I don't think another game will ever treat me as well as Gauntlet has but I'm going to give Dark Cloud 2 (recommended by Tea) and Katamari Dancy a try as soon as I decide I can afford to sign up for GameFly but for now Gauntlet is still my bitch)

Um. Where was I?

So I turned the TV on and CNN was on from this morning and the newscaster was talking about ghouls and I was APPALLED.

Okay, apparently not appalled enough because one of the reporters on the scene was describing scenes of devastation and he started a sentence by saying, "The roof...." and well, I just mentally filled in the blank with, "...the roof, the roof is on fire!"

I shouldn't be making jokes at a time like this, I really shouldn't. I should be shaking my fist at the sky and shouting, "Curse you, you GHOULS!!!"

No, seriously. That is just reprehensible.

Okay, yes, I know, there are going to be MASSIVE expenses all around because of this. Businesses, insurance companies are going to feel the impact to their bottom line. I'm not anti-business or anything like that. If they have to raise prices to cover expenses, that's one thing. Businesses are allowed to make a profit. But, to raise prices just because they can? Just because the opportunity is there? Because people are in need and will pay whatever it takes to fulfill their basic needs? That is just evil. And by saying that, I'm giving evil a bad name.


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