What they said:

Vicki - 2005-10-09 14:01:06
WOOOOOOO!!!!!!! It worked, it worked, I am SO excited. And also, thrilled. MOOOOO!!!!!
serena (Of serenaville) - 2005-10-09 14:14:55
Please send me the other diary info? My e-mail is included, but I'll put it here, too: [email protected].... Thanks!! :)
Smed - 2005-10-09 14:40:45
No matter where you right - Vicki is always a welcome read. Now I could so go from some right now, it isn't even funny...CHAAAAAAD!
Smed - 2005-10-09 14:41:14
PS - The above comment did contain some HoYay! Enjoy!
Vicki - 2005-10-09 14:45:27
HoYay??? Smed?? WTF?
Jacki - 2005-10-09 14:46:13
Well, I looked over there and it all looked great. By over there, I mean your archives. As for moving to a more secure location - if it makes you feel better, do it! I check both places, and I check there first just because it's easier that way. Now that the sanctity of my xanga, my lj, and my old d-land address are all compromised, I'm not sure where to go.
Halo Askew - 2005-10-09 20:15:59
Dontcha wish D-land offered a way to preview entries before posting? And since you mention it, I'm trying to decide which I'm more in the mood for right now: A cute cop, or a Denny's Grand Slam breakfast. Hmmm. I'll take both. And you know, you could've squealed around the parking lot in circles and then revved the engine to get him to come out and "give you a ticket." Or robbed a gas station. Perhaps next time. :)
Smed - 2005-10-09 20:46:30
It's a reference on the TWoP boards. Especially about Law & Order SVU with Cabot and Benson. (It stands for Homoeroticism, Yay!) if you knew that already, I'm sorry...so verrrry verrrry sorry....
Vicki - 2005-10-09 20:51:27
::goes back to re-read Smed's original comment::

::flaps hands in the air in shock and horror::

EWWWW!!! And also...back off, buddy. Chad is MINE.
krumpet - 2005-10-09 22:36:42
I know about hoyay! Heh. I confess, I made you drive the long way out of lurrrve. Really. It had nothing to do with my own personal entertainment. Nothing. I'm working on getting the hubby to email the pix. And also, CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD?!?!?!
Vicki - 2005-10-09 22:40:40
I have a fear that "CHAAAAAAD!" is going to replace "KAAAAAHN!" and I will end up shouting it out one day at work without even thinking about what I'm saying.
Smed - 2005-10-10 00:55:34
You have nothin' to worry about my dear, but you knew that! I'll do anything for a cheap laugh, a chuckle, or maybe a strained guffaw. Heee!
singlegirl - 2005-10-10 09:15:20
I would love to read your other [email protected]

What YOU say:


What I said - Diaryland