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Not worth an update
2005-03-23 ~ 11:28 a.m.

Observation: Chocolate Lucky Charms with milk - very yummy. Chocolate Lucky Charms with just a leeeetle bit of milk (bcs we were running out and I had to save some for Dad)- quite disgusting. The little bit of milk mixes with the cereal and creates a syrup....imagine Lucky Charms covered in Hershey's Syrup. Ick. Just ick.

Okay, the main reason I'm posting this is because Andrew says all the %% shortcut codes are working now - but mine aren't - so I suspect this is another one of those "add an entry and it will be fixed" things.

I had a creepy dream last night, and I totally blame Clarity for it. She posted something about a wax museum she went to and when she and her mom went into one hall, they were attacked by zombies or something.

I had a very similar dream, except me and my mom were on the beach and not in a museum. And we were attacked by zombies AND ghouls (the ghouls were in tuxes, the zombies looked like...well, zombies). I knew that it was all a sham, that these were actors, and I started yelling about how if they didn't stop I was going to tell the media. And then they stopped and one of the ghouls started making out with my mom, but then my mom became my friend T and it was very very strange.

And then I woke up and I thought, "What the hell?!" and then I remembered Clarity's experience and it all became clear.

And now, just for the hell of it, some pictures of my kids. They're all on flickr, but I really like these pics so I wanted to highlight them a bit more

First, Susanna. Now this child REALLY knows how to turn it on for the camera, she always has, but lately, I've noticed her mugging more than usual. Come to find out, Dave and Inez watched a show on child models and Susie was all "I can do that" so now she poses whenever the camera comes out.


She's not posing in this one though:

In some ways, I've envious of Susie and Lissa - I always wanted a sister.

And another of Lissa:

And just so he's not left out, Ben:

Okay...lesee....all I need now is an 80's lyric so I can get back to obscure-ish....

Patty had a house in Houston
Shot cough syrup in her veins

Answer in commments, yada yada yada


before || after
Something random

Moved! - 2010-10-27
Savory Sour Cream and Chive Waffles - 2009-01-03
This kind of thing can only happen when you work virtually - 2008-10-19
It's 8am and I am awake....and writing - 2008-10-17
Ooh fancy! - 2008-10-15
