What they said:

candoor - 2006-02-07 19:00:15
maybe your dad meant 'oldies'? :)
Anne - 2006-02-07 20:43:58
heee, sounds like a road trip with the hubby and me!!
Chibizuum - 2006-02-07 20:56:01
Hey, uh. Long time, no type I guess. I just felt I needed to comment 'cause I haven't been around for a while, and boy was it fun to read all your journals and catch up. Ha. Anyway, that sure sounds like a road trip. Take care!
Smed - 2006-02-07 21:46:36
Cows actually devise fiendish plots when they're not chewing cut - that's why too much red meat will kill you. iPod + iTrip + trip playists = no more arguements (Well, unless Katie wants to hear her Sesame Street CDs. Mah-nah-mah-nah...)
Moo - 2006-02-08 09:54:28
hahahaha I love you I rarely get a chance to comment any more and I end up reading about 20 of your entries at once but you still make me giggle and want to SQUISH you *SQUISHY HUGS* xxx
criminal - 2006-02-08 12:33:23
You were not at all tiresome. It's always cool to hear from you! The cigar smoking in the car thing sucks, but otherwise it doesn't sound *too* bad, it actually sounds kind of fun.
criminal - 2006-02-08 12:37:33
Oh yeah, and Neil Diamond is the DEVIL!
Zon - 2006-02-08 13:38:55
I never knew that about steers. Hmmmm. Have you seen the commercial with the California cows? I think it's for cheese. Anyway, there are cows and bulls (assuming, not about to look that closely), and they're talking. It's very girls-against-boys. In some they're doing sports, in others the guys are taking bets on which girl wins a race. They're hilarious.
Judith - 2006-02-09 05:26:52
I had no idea my dad took a trip with you. Does that mean we're related? Moo!

What YOU say:


What I said - Diaryland